Friday, June 24, 2016

Life Lately

Can I have a redo of June please? 

This past month flew by with a whirlwind of fun.
Between celebrating Ashton's 4th birthday, a week of vacation, home renovations, and summer fun I already feel this glorious season slipping by fast.

I am currently 28 weeks pregnant with baby girl-yay we've reached third trimester!! I feel huge of course but feeling good other than that! I'm dealing with the heat quite well so far even though I know the humidity is just going to get worse as we move into July. Thankfully we have invested in a family pool pass so if you need me, you know where to find me!

As for baby prep, we are almost ready for her! I think?! I should probably start washing baby clothes and figuring out where to store them in our tiny house... instead I'm going to keep putting that off and get outside with my loves.
These kids are loving summer and all the fun that goes with it. Alaya would LIVE outside if I let her. 
Our days consist mostly of swim lessons, picnics at the park, bike rides, trips to the library, and swimming at the pool!
If only they knew how good they've got it...

If you've been wondering why the lack of sewing pictures lately it's because I haven't been sewing. 
My two rugrats keep me pretty busy and with the beautiful weather we spend most of our time outside. 
I used to sew when they napped or went to be but being pregnant (along with anemia) I normally find myself napping or sleeping when they do too. Which leaves little to no time to sew!
It's bitter-sweet. I know it's just a season of time and someday I'll be able to sew a lot more. For now I'm just happy mothering my babies...and sleep makes me happy too! Bring on the naps!
You won't find me giving up on sewing entirely of course!! I'd be crazy to do that. I have a few hand sewing projects going or sometimes when I get the *need to create I'll pull out the machine for a quick project like this pillow I made last week!
 But other than the hand-sewing and other small quick projects you may not see a lot of quilts popping out in the near future. I can imagine I'll be getting even less sewing done once a newborn is in the house. 
Oh gosh, THREE kiddos. 
I can't hardly believe it. 
I feel both a mix of terror and excitement!!
Mostly excitement, but I'm trying to mentally prepare myself for how crazy this coming fall is going to be.

So here's to one wild and crazy summer...which will actually be the calm before the storm.
Thanks to Alaya, we are quite used to wild and crazy around here so I think we will manage. 

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